Soy Abogada, de profesión y empresaria en Bienes Raíces por más de 30 años en mi país natal República Dominicana.
Mi pasión por esta profesión despertó en mi un anhelo profundo de defender apoyar, ayudar y orientar tanto a mis clientes como al ser humano en general, pudiendo así educarlos sobre algún conocimiento de las leyes para sus defensas en general.
Teniendo en cuenta que mi mayor satisfacción como abogada y empresaria de Bienes Raíces fue brindarle a mis clientes una defensa justa y la oportunidad de que obtuvieran una propiedad por la cual pudieran pagar la cantidad deseada; poniendo en primer lugar la satisfacción y la necesidad de mis clientes.
Hoy me siento comprometida como Agente de Bienes Raíces en Estados Unidos, a mantener los mismos valores y además orientar, apoyar y educar a mis clientes hasta ver convertidos sus sueños en realidad.
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DBOX’s work has been recognized by organizations including the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (Emmy® Awards), Communication Arts, The Art Directors Club, World Luxury Award, American Design Awards, and The International Property Awards, and has been exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, The Art Institute of Chicago, and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
DBOX was founded in 1996 and maintains studios in New York, London and Miami.
DBOX’s work has been recognized by organizations including the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (Emmy® Awards), Communication Arts, The Art Directors Club, World Luxury Award, American Design Awards, and The International Property Awards, and has been exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, The Art Institute of Chicago, and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
DBOX was founded in 1996 and maintains studios in New York, London and Miami.
DBOX’s work has been recognized by organizations including the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (Emmy® Awards), Communication Arts, The Art Directors Club, World Luxury Award, American Design Awards, and The International Property Awards, and has been exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, The Art Institute of Chicago, and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
DBOX was founded in 1996 and maintains studios in New York, London and Miami.