Mileivys Ramírez, una mujer de fe, determinad, luchadora, Arquitecto y profesional en el área inmobiliaria, certificada por el estado de Florida.
Su primera carrera la desempeñó en su país de origen Venezuela. Pero al establecerse en Estados Unidos, se le despertó su pasión por el mundo del Real Estate, por la similitud a su carrera y la satisfacción que brinda ayudar a otras personas a materializar sus proyectos.
Crear una conexión emocional de confianza con sus clientes es un punto vital para ella. Ya que su trabajo va más allá de apoyarlos en la venta, renta y compra de una propiedad. Es permitirles encontrar la opción que los haga felices y se ajuste a sus posibilidades y necesidades.
La combinación de Arquitecto y Agente Inmobiliario, le da una visión más amplia a la hora de seleccionar las propiedades y sumado a la experiencia ganada durante más de 3 años, le permite bríndate una amplia asesoría tanto a nivel residencial como comercial.
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DBOX’s work has been recognized by organizations including the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (Emmy® Awards), Communication Arts, The Art Directors Club, World Luxury Award, American Design Awards, and The International Property Awards, and has been exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, The Art Institute of Chicago, and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
DBOX was founded in 1996 and maintains studios in New York, London and Miami.
DBOX’s work has been recognized by organizations including the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (Emmy® Awards), Communication Arts, The Art Directors Club, World Luxury Award, American Design Awards, and The International Property Awards, and has been exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, The Art Institute of Chicago, and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
DBOX was founded in 1996 and maintains studios in New York, London and Miami.
DBOX’s work has been recognized by organizations including the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (Emmy® Awards), Communication Arts, The Art Directors Club, World Luxury Award, American Design Awards, and The International Property Awards, and has been exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, The Art Institute of Chicago, and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
DBOX was founded in 1996 and maintains studios in New York, London and Miami.